Saturday 21 July 2012

STARK is Barking about: Weird things doggies eat

Now we all know that apart from the proverbial wet food and dry food that our dogs consume, they do on occasion also consume some edible "alternatives" as well. Here's a list of weird things that I've seen dogs eat.... perhaps you might find something that your beloved 4-legged friend loves as well.

1) Fruits
It's a long list:
- Durian (strange yet this is the king of fruits afterall)
- Blueberries (guess they like the high antioxidant levels it offers)
- Apples (it must keep the doctor away?)
- Pears (apparently the Korean or Chinese types as it's crunchy, juicy and sweet)
- Oranges/ Nectarines
- Cantaloupe/ Honeydew

2) French Fries (apparently only MacDonalds)
I've personally seen this myself where a little puppy polished almost all of the fries, it would seem that they particularly like the soft ones.

3) Grass
Apparently not so unusual as dogs eat grass to settle their upset tummy; so the next time you see your pooch chowing down on grass; they merely have a tummy ache.

4) Vegetables
- Sweet Potato
- Cucumber
- Corn
- Peas
- Asparagus

5) Peanut Butter
This seems a bit strange as wouldn't it stick all over their mouth and teeth? But it seems to be a fan favourite with most dogs.

6) Spicy things
- Wasabi (perhaps the pooch had a nasal blockage?)
- Chilli pepper (I tried this with my pooch; she kept on sneezing till the heat from the chilli wore off)

7) Drinks
- Soft drinks
- Lime Juice
- Milk (I always associated this with cats rather than dogs)

8) Cheese
I'm unsure if there are specific types which are more popular but it seems doggies really love this.

I haven't even touched on the absolutely strange non-edible things which dogs have swallowed like rocks/pebbles, needles, glass, keys or coins, etc butthe edible list can be added to. I am sure there would be some of you out there going, "Oh my, but those things are bad for your dogs." For better or for worse, let's just make sure that our pooch lives a good life.

So I say, if they like a certain thing; let's not deny them that! For those of you who have put your dog on a strict diet, perhaps you might let your dog try something new for a change?!?

1 comment:

  1. I won't deny that I've never slipped a McD French fry to My pooch. :)
