Tuesday 17 July 2012

RAVING is Barking about: The Wet food vs Dry food debate

Once upon a time, long ago, dogs lived in a land where they lived on Raw food, mainly meat. Food that was uncooked, the closest to nature and the best type of food there is for them. Raw meat was good for them because nature had designed for dogs to gnaw at the food with their sharp and pointy teeth. They had short intestines as well, which suited them well as carnivores. They were very happy.

One day, Humans invaded their land. Humans wanted to eat meat too. They introduced cooking to make the meat delicious and good. They cooked them in all sorts of ways, made sausages, patties for burgers, rendangs and salami. They learnt to cure meat, preserve and even canned the meats for them to eat in the future. Soon, there was not enough meat to go around for both Humans and Dogs.

Humans decided that Dogs should not have they Raw food anymore, because after all, what did they know? The Humans decided to cheat the Dogs. They ate the meat, but gave the dogs the leftovers. The heart of the beast, liver, kidneys and the bones. Humans ground these parts into powder and mixed them with milk, cheese, bread and flour. They made them into little biscuits and fed it to the dogs.

Dogs had no choice and they ate what they could. But the food, now man-made, made them fat and unhealthy. Dogs had to do something! They chose the route of evolution and they lived happily ever after.

But anyway, Wet food and Dry food theory. Are you torn between the 2 or are you balancing between them? Let's list out some pros and cons, but you will see from them that I am a fine example of balancing in between.

Dry food: Some says its cheap and good. It does the most basic part of the job which is keeping your pet full. But you need to know what goes in the food you give your pets.
  • Always look at the ingredients that goes into the dry food you buy. Make that that the ingedrient are things you will actually eat. 
  • Always look at the proportion of what goes in as well because it is just as important. No point buying something that is full of grain and little meat right? You can decipher the proportion by looking and how it is listed on the side of the bag. It should be listed by proportion with the largest amount at the top. 
  • The method that the food is dried is also important. The method determines the percentage of water content or moisture in the bag. This is comparing between dry foods, which has 10% of water content vs semi dry food, which has 35% and canned foods, which has 60%. Naturally, the more moisture there is in the food, the more your pet will feel full after feeding, but this also means that the faster it will be hungry. 
  • Because of the water content, we tend to think that it looks too little and feed our pets what we think is a fair amount. But the matter of fact is, when it drinks water, the food will bloat up in its stomach and become too much for it. Too much food and you dog becomes too fat. Your fault. 
  • A general rule of thumb for me is to not buy dog food from the supermarkets. Its like buying instant noodles for yourself and having it everyday thinking its healthy. Enough said.   
Wet foods: They can come in many forms, such as in cans, or you can try cooking for your pet. 
  • I love cooking for my pet. No salt, sugar, pepper. Very simple sense of the word. Cooking = make raw food cooked. 
  • And when I do that, always a dribble of EVOL, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, at the end after you get the food off the stove. Olive oil is a wonder for its coat, makes it extra soft and silky. 
  • What I hate about wet food feeding is the stain it leaves on the coat especially in the mouth area. Or the smell that wet food leaves on the coat. Especially after feeding fish. 
  • Another thing about wet food I hate is this. If I cook, you eat, pet or human, its the same. But like it or not, your pet will eat only when it wants to eat and leaving food out in the open is a bad idea because of the bacteria it breeds. 
  • But one this is a must, leave your food out so that it will cool off before feeding your dog. Too hot for you means its too hot for your dog. 
  • And how can you forget the smell when it farts after wet food. 
 Its a never ending cycle really. Enough said.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting article! So what do you recommend? Cooking for your dog?
