Friday 6 July 2012

STARK is Barking about: Public Places vs Your Pooch

As I was researching about the potential places that dogs would be allowed at, the discovery I've made is that Singapore is not as loving to dogs as they are in other countries. I'm sure this trend will eventually change but for now, let's take a looks at what we have to work with.

1. Sentosa Beach
There you can enjoy the sun, sand and water with your pooch, however do remember to keep them leashed.

2. Changi Airport
Now this is slightly controversial. Why? Officially there is no rule that says dogs are allowed but when you ask the personnel that work there, they will tell you that small dogs who can be carried or fit into a bag are okay! I've also personally witnessed people carrying their little pooches around the airport.

3. Vivocity (but with some restrictions)
Dogs in carriers can access all parts of the mall, however those on a leash are not as free but have to take a prescribed route. The kicker? You and your pet must be going to the pet shop there. On the plus side, you can walk your dog on the promenade and Waterfrront broadwalk but they must be leashed.

4. Singapore Botanical Gardens
Great place to bring your pooch but there are a few out of bound areas to take note of, such as Rain Forest, National Orchid Garden, Evolution Garden and Jacob Ballas Children's Garden.

For a country where dog ownership has increased drastically, there aren't many options for the dogs as yet. For those who own smaller sized dogs, there are more options as those dogs can be carried around and in many places, so long as your pooch is not scaring away other customers, both you and your pet can stay.

I am certain this list can be added to, for pooch lovers who have successfully brought your dogs to public places and lived to tell the tale, we wanna hear from you as well!

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