Saturday 2 June 2012

RAVING is Barking about: 2 newspaper articles from Straits Times today

Funny that just as MAD was talking about the issues HDB has with dogs, one of these articles had to do with that. 
On the Straits Times today, there were 2 articles.

One was about HDB rules, and how many willing owners, who have a love for big dogs like MAD, cannot own them because of HDB rules. The fear of losing their homes because of their pets, scare these potential owners from adopting and saving a life.
In the same article, there was a point that was raised: Are the HDB rules an unreasonable blanket that disregard the breed and nature of the dog, and focus only on size? Why is size more important than anything else? Shouldn't it be by breed instead? I mean seriously? Golden Retriever vs Chi-huahua? 
If the concern were to be taking into consideration the benefits and welfare of neighbors; as someone's neighbor, would you prefer a good natured, gentle, well-trained dog or a spoilt, noisy, destroyer-of-all-things-reachable dog? The behavior of the dog can be nurtured, and as a neighbor, what would be your preference? I use the terms "well-trained" and "nurtured" for a reason. The question here is: Is it really the size or the breed of the dog that matters, or is it the way that the dog owners are training them that is important? 
I am sure, if MAD were to be given the opportunity to own a Boxer, it will be super well trained. Guess she would just have to not live in an HDB then. 

Second article was a bit more on the lighter side. There is a group out there, started by 3 dog-loving ladies (Oh the coincidence!) called Three Legs Good. 
A group of friends who have taken in dogs who are "imperfect" - most of the dogs they have adopted are 3 legged. 
However, its the reason why the dogs are left 3 legged that is appalling. Both strays and even pedigree dogs, left out to fend for themselves. These dogs eventually get themselves knocked down by cars and had to have one of their limbs amputated. I mean seriously? Seriously? Question I have always asked, HOW can you do this? Would you abandon your family? Your friends? HOW can you do this to Man's Best Friend? It who would never abandon you? 

I think this is one of the reasons we are doing this. 
To learn and educate people about dogs, to understand the different breeds and nature. To help others find the dog that would suit them. 

When I bought my Trevor, I had no idea about breeders and dog mills.  He was in one of those small boxes with bright lights shining on it all day until he was bought. He was a tiny dude when I got him; on hindsight, I doubt he was even 3 months old. I never asked where he was from, or what lineage. I did not even seek to understand what is the nature of a Schnauzer; if he was active, noisy, needed attention. All I had in mind was, I liked Schnauzers because they were cute and they had poise. It never crossed my mind - Dogs don't live like that! 
Thank God he is well trained now and is the least of my problems. It scares me to think what would I be doing, or what I would have done, if things had turned out otherwise.

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