Tuesday 19 June 2012

MAD is Barking about: DOGGY FASHIONISTAS!!

We've seen dogs in ridiculously cute Halloween costumes and pampered pooches decked out in bling bling and strollers!! Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse....

Along comes the "Dye-me-Crazy" fad!!!
Check out these pics and try not to fall of your chair!
Psychedelic Poodle

Flamingo Husky anyone??

The "I've-got-coloured-fungi-growing-out-of-my-coat" look

The latest craze in China:

Golden Retrievers made to look like Tigers

Chow Chows made to look like Pandas

Yep that really is a Chow Chow!! The blue black tongue gives it away!

For those who like the 1 or 2 tone look:

 Just in time for this post, I managed to snap a pic of an adorable Bichon Frise with dyed paws at Pet Lovers Centre at Nex Mall!!!

If this post had spawned any thoughts or ideas then make sure you go to a groomer who has experience in coloring dogs. Don't try to be a genius and use Human dye on a dog as your pooch would be standing at the gates of heaven before you can even say "Woah...what happened there?)

Those of you who are up in arms after seeing the above pics and are lamenting as to how this is cruelty to animals and what not...relax.. Put the guns down and take a chill pill! The dyes used on the dogs are non-toxic and they wash out after a few washes. It's no biggy...in fact you don't see people around you causing a ruckus when you get a fugly haircut or a botched dye job right??

So live and let live peeps..

1 comment:

  1. To be honest, the Chow Chow does look like a panda in the picture!!
