Well for all you dog-lurrveerrsss out there in Singapore, the name Cesar Millan should be as familiar as chicken rice, laksa and of course The Barking Ladies.

It is interesting to note that the things Cesar talks about isn't rocket science, it all boils down to behaviours - our behaviour and our dog's behaviour. In everything that he does, it is about staying calm and being assertive (remember the good ol' Pack Leader concept). Sounds simple enough, but is it really that simple? Me thinks not! Let me cite an example: as MAD pointed out, I am the proud co-owner of 2 extremely cute tri-breed dogs who have "benefitted" from my family's in-depth study and careful observation of everything the Dog Whisperer has taught them on his shows, in his interviews and also last weekend. All I can say is.... there is something non-dog about us. I will always remember one of the first lessons learnt from Cesar was to go "Shhh..." when your dog barks in excitement upon seeing you; we tried that on our dogs and it only resulted in them barking more and being more hyper-active than usual. I told my parents that our dogs are gifted in other ways; so let's accept them for who they are and let's not deny them their right to express their delight at seeing us.
However, before I let my negative self get carried away as I am working on staying positive; I wanted a share something meaningful that Cesar said: "World transformation begins with self-transformation". That is something I believe can be applied to everything and anything that we do in life. Which means that we should all take small steps towards what we would like to achieve and the universe will follow.
On that note, since RAVING posted the photo of her handsome lil pup, I'm going to share my beauties to the world... and the person who can correctly guess all 3 breeds, well.. good for you then!!! :)
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