Thursday 31 May 2012

MAD is Barking about: The Grand Introduction!!

The Barking Ladies are officially out of the kennel and in the house! You must be wondering who these women are, where are they from, what are they barking about and more importantly what is up with the beautifully fugly Shar Pei?!

First things first.. We are from the clean and green and not alway sunny Singapore. We love dogs but to be specific we love dogs from legitimate breeders and Not scumbag puppy mills! Perhaps we were dogs in our past lives and that would explain the inexplicable passion we have to talk about dogs, to reach out to fellow dog lovers and to share the love!

So Are The Barking Ladies dog owners?

Stark has the mother of all mixed breeds.. A 3-in-1 tri-breed concoction that can rival any pure bred with its sleek coat, cute size and adorable face. Raving has a pure bred who is so ridiculously good looking and such a gentleman that even the ugliest pug to the most beautiful cocker spaniel would go STARK RAVING MAD about this stud!

And as for me.....

I'm MAD about big dogs... My stud is a sleek, short coated muscular gun my head!!! That's right... My dream dog is just a dream for now... Y?? Coz it's my fault that I love big fault that I live in a HDB... My fault that there are rules and regulations to adhere to... So is it HDB's fault that there are Huskies, Golden Retrievers, Bull Mastiffs, German Shepherd's etc living in Flats?!?!

Ok rant over...  Here's what you lovely people can expect from this blog:

- Royalty dogs (from legitimate breeders) VS Commoners (Pet farms)
- Pet care (diets to grooming to pet accessories to discounts at pet stores!)
- We'll show you how to get your breed of choice in a hassle free way
- Celebrity dogs and celebrities with dogs both locally and globally
- Craziest fashion trends in the doggy world
- Top offenders of the week (Yes...we are going to patrol the streets and shame all you errant dog owners out there!)

Oh and as for the beautifully fugly Shar Pei...

The Barking Ladies are proud to be Asian and we thought what better dog to represent us than an Asian dog..bred in China all the way back during the Han dynasty thus making it one of the most ancient breeds. The Shar Pei was first bred to be Farm dogs and then evolved to be a hunting dog and eventually a fighting dog (how gangster is that?! It's like rags to riches in the doggy world!!). Like the Shar Pei, one of us has a blue-black of us is suspicious of strangers and one of us gets bored from repetition. Collectively, like our wrinkly mascots, The Barking Ladies can be stubborn, strong willed and territorial but be nice to us and we'll be extremely devoted, loyal and affectionate towards you!

So that's the long and short for the existence of this blog...if you think the next post is going to be as long as this one... YOU'RE BARKING MAD!!!!

Friday 25 May 2012

The Barking Ladies are barking about: Our very 1st post!!

Well this is certainly uber exciting, the inaugural entry of a blog that only took me pretty much the entire night to create. I'm trying to imagine if we left it up to Raving to do it, we might never have even gotten this far. (Okies, I'm just joking Raving..)

For all you dog lovers out there, wherever you are, stay tuned to discover who we are, what we are going to "bark" about and simply bask in the subject of dogs!